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Hydraulic Speed Regulator (35RLU)

Hydraulic Speed Regulators > Hydraulic Speed Regulators Type35 >

Hydraulic Speed Regulator (35RLU)
Diameter 35mm
Stroke: from 50 to 200 mm
RL: with tank in line
Traction: Piston rod out regulation

Different control valves

NO: Without Valve
SP: Special
VA:  SKIP Valve
VS: STOP Valve

Multitudes of valves for the Double regulation function

Régulateur 35RLU (Sortie de tige) plan

Hydraulic Speed Regulator (35RLU) tableau

Références Documentation Modélisation*
35 RLU 50 NO
35 RLU 100 NO
35 RLU 150 NO
35 RLU 200 NO

*autres formats sur demande


> Achievements
    > Air-Oil Exchanger Additional Tank > Air/Oil Hydraulic Pumps > Air/Oil pressure multiplier ENERFLUID > Air/water multiplier > Hydraulic Cylinder Clamp > Hydraulic Cylinders ISO 6020
      > Hydraulic Speed Regulators > Oil/Oil pressure multiplier type100 > Other Accessories > Pneumo-Hydraulic Power Unit > Press Frame